We as a family have come off of an incredibly exciting couple of weeks. Our high school daughter was the lead in her school musical. And then two weeks later out middle school son was the lead in his. To call this a blessing is a huge understatement. And this is the second year in a row that this has happened!
These are our favorite weekends - special beyond words.....no plans except to see the plays, share these moments with out family and friends. The letdown when both musicals were over was huge. Time slows in a way, yet is over much to fast.
So yes, i guess one would say our children are achievers despite the fact that they have grown up differently than many of their friends. . They get good grades, play sports and are musical as well, and i am guessing they must be talented beyond just my prejudiced mom thoughts as is evidenced by the roles they both achieved.
We believe there are alternate ways to empower our children other than endless lessons and overscheduling. Our children have activities. But they also have downtime, family time and a limit on their screen time. We still play board games, go on family outings and as you know, have frequent family dinners. Not as often as we used to, of course, but these rituals are still part of our fabric. Balance. Space to allow them to fall and learn and grow. To just “be” and not have every moment scheduled.
My husband and i have taken this “job” of rearing our children seriously. We have given our family the gift of time, both quantity AND quality.
It is really amazing and gratifying to see these seeds we have planted sprout and grow.....when children are little, you have no idea where these seeds you have planted and cultivated will lead your children. It is awesome to experience this now as they get older.
i love your ideas, keep it up!!!!!!