Sunday, March 6, 2011

Slow Down

I often feel like an alien.
I believe hugely in downtime, family time including meals together most nights. My kids have not grown up with cable TV(gasp, right?), their phones are left in our mudroom when they walk in the door and thus they actually make and receive calls on our landline. They spend a lot of time outside and we often still take family walks around the block. Screen time is limited...all are avid readers as a result. I am also a huge believer in being healthy and that includes sleep and lots of it! However, I also believe in them getting good grades, being involved in activities and sports as well as in our temple. Yes of course there are times where they have homework overload - or an extracurricular activity takes over for a time. The key for us is BALANCE. And for the most part, i feel we have achieved just that.
My husband and i went to a showing last week of a film called Race To Nowhere. To say it was powerful and quite disturbing, would be an understatement. While watching the film, i turned to my husband and said, I am not an alien.
If you have not heard of it, it is a documentary about our country’s children....the stress they are under to get into colleges, how over scheduled between constant homework and activities. No downtime or time just to play and be creative. Most are involved in sports, community service, music in some form while at the same time, are expected to maintain perfect grades. . It is often not enough to excel in just one area. What often begins as an interest becomes a barrage of lessons so the child can be the “best.” These interests are then no longer enjoyable. The film exhibits interview of parents, teachers and kids.....raw honest and compelling.
I urge you to see this movie, share it with your friends and live it in your own home. Let’s allow our children to be children and not burn them out before they reach adulthood.

1 comment:

  1. finally, someone like me!!! keep it up!!! i love your writing!!!
