My children are 3, 7 and 9. We are traveling to Banff, Canada....a place a great distance from our mid-western home and one many with young children would never even attempt. Was it a long travel? Yes! Did everything go smoothly? Of course there were some bumps along the way. However, this and our many other travels have taught my children priceless life lessons....not only about the many wonderful places there are in this big beautiful world, different cultures, different languages, foods and more. There are other lessons just as important, such as patience, flexibility and that the hassle of travel is the price one pays sometimes for the amazing experiences and memories that we have amassed. A small price they have all concluded. Learning how to deal when things occur that they cannot control....a life lesson we can all use!
Travel does not always have to be to far away places. There are many places within driving distance or in your own backyard. Take the kids to the art museum. musicals, zoos, concerts, exhibits, restaurants, sporting events, movies, ice skating, bowling or whatever. The point is to just take them places - expose them to the many arts, to dining out, to your cities attractions and activities. Our children learned at a very young age how to act in each of these various venues. How many times have we all heard parents say they cant take their children anywhere as they always misbehave? How any times have we witnessed this? Yet if parents never take their children anywhere, how will they ever learn how to act in public?
These experiences are each a treasured pieces of the fabric that bind us as a family. Each adventure has generated numerous discussions......
for instance a certain combination dancing and musical act, none of us really wild about it, yet all could appreciate the “art” aspect of it and that art is subjective, right? After all, that’s what makes it art, right?
So turn off the electronics and explore all this world has to offer.....and enjoy!
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