Sunday, February 5, 2012

10 I'm just sayin's

1.  It really is okay to say no.
2.  Delaying gratification really does have it's's much sweeter.
3.  Say "no" to spray tanning... orange is not a natural skin color, nor a flattering one!  And especially kids....their skin is radiant at this age all by itself -  no lines, wrinkles....teach them to embrace it!!
2.  Don't talk on your cell when you drive them in the car.  Practice what you preach. They are watching.
3.  When you are strollling with your baby in the carriage, put the cell phone down. Do you really want your baby to hear that babble instead of  the beautiful sounds of nature?
4.  Read... Sing.... Play board games..... Create art. Enough said.
5.  Go outside!!!
6.  Expose them to the arts in all forms! They are like sponges. Take them to plays, concerts, exhibits...the discussions after are priceless!
7.  Hug and tell them you love them every single day as much as you can!! (yes, even when they push you away, do it anyway!)
8. Take them to restaurants - let them learn  how to behave in public.  No cellphones or gameboys at the table either.
9.  Let them learn to enjoy their own company and solitude. Learning to treasure the stillness is a true gift.
10. Let them fall! They WILL pick themselves back up!