Monday, January 24, 2011


We went to a concert yesterday on a snowy Sunday afternoon - Idina Menzel singing with our symphony. And by “we” i mean my husband and our teenage children. And “we” do things like this frequently. The concert was amazing and experiencing it together, made it even more so..... as it always does. We have always taken our kids with us, to experience various art forms, from the time they were very little. And even when we have not necessarily loved what we have seen, the discussions after about art being subjective etc are priceless.
As we exited the concert, we ran into one of my dear friends. She was with another friend. She looked at us and said how wonderful it was that we all went together as a family. She has said this to us before. I remember one time in particular when we were out taking a walk as a family, something we do VERY often and always have. Again, the surprised look with the same remark - we were an oddity.
I recall a Saturday, when we were out running errands as a family. We do that often, when things are hectic and yet we need some together time. So we are productive AND together. It makes the mundane tasks a lot more fun. On this one day, we ran into a friend, who also has 3 children. She was by herself, and looking quite shocked, commented on how she couldn’t believe “we“ were all together running errands, as a family. The comment was made, the astonishment noted, not intentional or mean spirited. Again, we were clearly perceived as an oddity.
I have to ask, when did the family unit become an oddity?? We have always taken our kids as much as possible, both in town and when we travel. We are bound together by these shared experiences, our relationships are strong. My children genuinely like each other and cherish each other. They are comfortable in their own skin and know that home is a safe place if they need time away from the business of the outside world. Are they and we with our friends as well? Of course! And that too is cherished time.
But we do still have family time, and make it a priority, even as they have grown older and time together is more of a commodity.
Having kids is a responsibility we take seriously. It is our job to expose them to all this great big world has to offer. And I want to be the one to expose them!
As they spread their wings, it is awesome to watch how these seeds we have planted, have sprouted and grown. I feel humbled and so incredibly grateful.
Yet as they make their way out in the world, these ties have bound us and we all know we are still a family unit,......even thought the ”we“ time is less frequent, it still exists..
What a gift for all of us!

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